Spruce: 3 Bedrooms + 1 BQ Terrace Duplex

Uniquely laid out and masterfully designed, Spruce is a 3-Bedroom + 1 B.Q Terrace Duplex with its spacious, exquisitely-finished interiors and high ceilings making it remarkable and unforgettable. Spruce, which signifies well-groomed, dapper, smart and elegant, represents its name in its entirety, in form and function- smart lights, smart access door, elegant ensuite rooms, stylish […]
Urbane: 4 bedrooms + 1 BQ Terrace Triplex

Urbane is a beautifully-designed, three-level luxury 4-bedroom + 1 B.Q home, offering two multiple living rooms and spaces that perfectly capture the essence of a magnificent lifestyle. Framed by bold, strong lines, the exterior and interior of this imposing Terrace Triplex exudes a regal confidence that can’t help rubbing off on its occupants. The pristinely-finished […]
3-Bedroom Semi-Detached

In the design of the 3-Bedroom Semi Detached Duplex, our objective was providing a spacious home that provides the luxury of expressing more of personality and style within its spaces. The 3-Bedroom semi-detached duplex delivers on aesthetics, luxury and style externally and internally. Comprising majorly of elaborate yet simple lines and form, the home puts […]
3-Bedroom + 1 B.Q. Terrace Duplex

Elegant, Modern and Stylish are a few words that describe our 3-Bedroom + 1 B.Q. Terrace Duplex. Standing boldly with strong defining lines, the unit is a beautiful expression of contemporary architecture and is comprised of the following: – 1 expansive Living Room and Dining – An ample-sized kitchen – 3 spacious En-suite Bedrooms – […]
2-Bedroom Terrace Duplex

Designed as an enclave for the typical small family, young couple and upwardly mobile individual (UMI), the 2-Bedroom Terrace offers ample spaces that accommodate diverse interior designs while also allowing for flexibility in luxurious contemporary finishing. Be it the classic Living Room/Dining style of design and finish to the American-styled open-plan Living Room/Dining/Kitchen combo, the […]